The majority of tops are too small for me ....
My Lovely Members,
You should be convinced through that movie that some clothes ( I can say from my experience the majority of them) are just too small for me. As you can see in the movie screen shot I have a problem with wearing nice and sexy clothes which are available in lingerie shops. When I see women with not so overdeveloped chest I simply envy them of having the shopping choice. I have a serious problem with the purchase of the rights size of tops for me :(
In this video you will see trying on and taking off of bras and other clothes which were bought with the hope that they will fit me. One of the bra was fitted ,but in the other the cups inside were tight and started biting my skin. The very first bra presented in this video is my real customs made bra which is called by me “a breastplate”. This bra must withstand all of the task of normal daily use. You should notice the solid and strong material which had to be used to made it. In my daily life I rely on my breastplate which supports my breasts. But sincerely speaking I am not so grateful to my :”breastplate” – for special occasions I wear something more sexy ( see previous bra video :)
In that movie I was also trying to allow you to be as close as possible to my bouncing breasts. Shooting of this was very exciting moments for me - like you were in person so close to me :) My agent said : “lucky man who can imagine lying under your bouncing breasts ...”.
As a bonus I decided to share with you with some short scenes from the shower. This movie was made by myself after other photo session.
Would you like to be invited by me for a bath ? I really need that and just would like to invite you to give you some more relaxing moments and visual sensations. Join now and wait for my next video ! I warmly encourage every Big Breasts Lover to stay my Lovely Member.
PS. I am really happy to share with you with my ( as you describing in comments ) blessings J.
Yours sincerely Abbi Secraa

Dear Abbi,
Unbelievable! What a up close and personal video, I really liked when your boobs bounce like that. I wish I was lying down there seeing them that close!
So, the end of the shower scene, did I hear you say "Bye Bye"? I think that's the first time I hear your own voice isn't it? Lovely voice~
Abbi Secraa
Dear Kenji,
but this video should give a feeling like lying under me :)
Yes I am saying at the of the video :"Pa,pa" what means bye bye.
My voice was heard for the first time in video " At the very begging" . I said "action!" like a director of a movie :)
Kisses Abbi
my dear Abbi,
i am so glad to be a member and to see your clips first.
This one is the best. I can not wait to see the next one.
You are like a drug to me ...
Abbi Secraa
Dear Jorg,
I am so happy you have decided to be my Member.
Hopefully you will stay with me for a long time. That would be my pleasure and of course yours :)
In the awaiting time for next video please explore my previous movies.
Hopefully you will be satisfied.
Drugs are illegal, I can be your legal way to make you fell relaxed and excited :)
Yours sincerely Abbi Secraa
hey!!! this really saves my day!!! thanks a lot, as always a wonderfull video you share with us :)!!!
cu soon!!!
ps when can we talk again?
Abbi Secraa
You are welcome Tamas :)
Sharing with you all is my pleasure ...:)
Kisses Abbi
ps. catch me online some day:)
OMG!! These videos are getting better and better! When you put that lace top on, you got a big thumbs up from me too Abbi :) In fact the whole video could just have been you walking round your house in that and that short denim skirt.(Your legs looked amazing too)
At the start of the video it looked like you were struggling to get some of those tops over your orbs of plessure and i hate to see a lady struggle, so if you ever need help to get dressed i'll be more than happy to come and give you a helping hand :)
I don't think you have to worry about being able to wear nice and sexy clothes Abbi, because you make all of the clothes look sexy!:)
Already can't wait for the next video!
P.S. Thanks for the bonus shower clip, i nearly fell of my seat when you started pressing your boobs against the glass. There's alot of things i'd like to be, but i'd never have thought i'd want to be a piece of glass ?!?!?!
Abbi Secraa
Dear Martin,
thank you for your comment.
It was very pleasurable experience to read this.
Thank you for seeing more advantges of me :)
Thank you very for your sweet offer to help!
I did not even expect that this amateur bonus at the end would be such important.It was added at my personal request,but really did not expect such interest in that ! That is nice!
Kisses Abbi
Truly your gifts are bounteous beyond compare
Abbi Secraa
Thank you TeeJay!
Yes they are really really very very generous !
Yours sincerely Abbi Secraa
J.M. B.
Dear Abbi,
Please, please! Don´t feel envy, don´t feel sad !
You are the MOST beautiful woman I ever saw ! :)
Guapísima !!!
Wow !! in this video you take me breath away...
Second 00:58 I surrender !!
A lot of kisses,
Hello, You are really great either face, legs and breasts but obviously it has not yet seen your buttocks. It seems you can least "focus"on your chest and show your beautiful legs.I'm really happy!
You do more videos than pictures. It is very very nice.
In advance thank you very much.
Abbi Secraa
Dear Allion,
thank you pointing out my breasts and buttocks, slightly should more of them in some next videos in future.
It should be more movies than pictures, but pictures are not excluded.
There will be next photo sessions too.
Thank you for your comment.
Yours sincerely Abbi Secraa
Darrin A.
A Genius Video! :)
But don't worry Secraa envy is quite natural sometimes We all have are moments! lol Anyways in the beginning of the video you look Great! with that black shirt & that white fantastic bra on and especially the purple & black blouse and all those outfits fits perfectly on you! you pull it off alot more! then any other woman you look adorable boo! :) And I adore the short shower scene I Soo Love your tease. Secraa! :D
Abbi Secraa
My Dear,
thank you for your comment.I appreciate that.
It is a nice surprice that you like the short bonus scene at the end of the movie - it was done by myself only! Especially for you ,my Members !
Kisses Abbi
Dear Abbi thanx for this great movie it was amazingly intresting and so sexy to watch you take of and put on your bra and the other sexy outfits.I can believe you must envy woman that are not so well blessed for diffrent reasons.One must be the heavyness.I noticed the breast plate looks of very sound constuction but also looks like its toruring you in more than one way.I also noticed that it fits them properly all round it goes all the way underneath them .One question the taking of part of your day must be the best part when you get ready to relax
yours sincerly
Abbi Secraa
Thank you Deon for your comment!
It is like a detailed article about problems of woman with huge breasts.You seem to know a lot about that :)
Kisses Abbi
Dear Abbi
I can only try to imagine what it must be like for you on a daily basis and maybe sometimes frustrate you but i am sure that you got used to living your life as normal as possible
If i had a woman like you in my life i would do every possible thing to make it easier to cope when your at home relaxing .One thing for sure i wont be able to be the driver on a 4by4 trip with you ,your breast movement would let me loose complete control over the car so you would have to do the driving which is also fun and exiting
yours sincerely
Abbi Secraa
Dear Deon,
I am not practising driving a lot...I should be learnt;)
Kisses Abbi
If you need help for opening the bra, I would gladly help you.just say something. you're just great.
Hi Abbi!
Best video ever! I wish I was there to help you get your enormously big breasts into those clothes. You are just the hottest woman in the world!
Hug From Kurt
Scott C.
Hello Abbi,
I have to say that my favorite part of this latest video is the very end when you are wearing that black sweater dress with all that braless cleavage! I'd be a happy man of you showed up for a dinner and dancing date wearing that! "wink"
Abbi Secraa
Dear Scott,
it is nice that you have noticed such short scene from this film.
Well I can show up with braless cleavage like this on a vacation dinner on the beach.No problem :)
Yours sincerely Abbi Secraa
Great video gorgeous . I really enjoyed the shower scene at the end can't wait for your next one!
Abbi Secraa
Thank you Anthony!
Yes there will be more movies, stay stuned :)
Yours sincerely
Abbi Secraa
Dear Abbi
thank you so much for this wonderfull movie .You never stop amazing me with the wonders of the world you are carying with you every day .If i could i would open up a lingery shop just for you so you would be able to get what ever your sweat heart desires to where .Thanx so much for sharing
big hug an kiss
yours sincerely
Abbi Secraa
Dear Deon,
ohh yes I am carrying these wonders every day :) But decided to share the view of them with you and other Members. That is quite fair to the big breasts world :) I accept the idea with the lingere shop. Kiss Kiss Kiss !!!! Abbi
Another fantastic video Abbi. While under 'normal' circumstances I would rather walk over burning coals than spend an afternoon shopping, the thought of helping you shop for tops changes my perspective completely. I love your expression when you finally find a top that fits :-) If you ever find yourself in need of a shopping assistant to make you smile and laugh while you work your way through all those outfits to find the keepers, I'd be happy to drop my career and move half-way around the world for you. Hugs and kisses for my favorite woman, beautiful Abbi.
Abbi Secraa
Dear Chris,
yours dedication for shopping with me is very very astonishing for me :)
Thank you indeed !
Hugs:)Yours sincerely Abbi Secraa
Seth R
every shot of you is magnificent! Everything looks great on you, especially just the jean skirt 0:) It's too bad all those lovely tops are too small for you :( But you bursting from every seam makes me smile. I'd enjoy seeing more of you in that last black outfit :p....
Abbi Secraa
In black outfit Hmmm should find something similar for you ;)
Kisses Yours Abbi