Pink dress-supplement
As you already are aware the Pink dress was divided into two parts. In this supplement movie you will find me bare-chested. Hopefully lots of my Members will be satisfied from the view of my breasts not covered with the pink dress. The dress was indeed pointing out my curvy lines leading some of my Members to the boiling hot sessions with the Pink dress movie ;)
I am not so cruel for my Members and want to reveal what was hidden under the dress . In this supplement I will show you all what is in accordance with my moral rules.
Well I know that someone can say : “few times we had a chance to see a little bit more intimate stuff ;)”. I assure you that even if something was recorded it was not intentional, but if it was nice accepted to go live ;) Maybe in future some “not intentional releases” will take place depending on clothes and what will happen during session s;)
Now enjoy please from the what the pink dress was hiding. I wish you hot moments ;)
Yours Abbi Secraa

J.M. B.
My Dear Abbi,
Do you want to know how I feel ?
Pause this movie at 04:50....
"Hot, Hot, Hot
full of DESIRE.....
and Lost, Lost, Lost...
in your kotku's eyes
in your kotku's eyes
in your kotku's eyes...."
Kiss Kiss Kiss,
jure k was worth waiting for part two, such treasures are so rare to be seen :)
Abbi Secraa
thank you Jure
Lots of kisses
Yours Abbi
Joel E.
You are absolutely an amazingly beautiful woman. I like your shoots when you are dressed, but I love the intimate shots of you without clothes....Simply breath taking...
Abbi Secraa
Kisses Joel
You know ...Yours Abbi!!!
james h
Thankyou for the lying-down posing! Always a winner X
Abbi Secraa
You are welcome and thank you
Kiss Abbi
Marc D.
Like a fresh Spring rose that opens it's petals, you're beauty is unmatched as you reveal yourself in this movie. The shape of your fabulous breasts are captured by the camera at their absolute best- side view while standing, (almost) back view while hanging and swaying, sitting with legs on couch and, of course, while lying down- simply wonderful!!
My heart skipped a beat when you shed your pink petals to reveal your amazing glory at the very beginning. I just love the way you tease your nipples with your necklace while sitting. And what can I say about the shots and angles of you lying down- breathless!
Both the Pink Dress and Pink Dress-supplement, separately and together, are easily the most beautiful movies you have shot to date.
Admiringly yours,
Marc D.
Argel R. L.
Abbi: a great second part, even better without the superb stretch pink dress… thanks so much!
Secraa's Toy
Just how I imagine getting you back home would begin to end :*