My tired breasts
06 August 2011
I want to rest so please do not disturb...
Hey, I am your Member! Please do not sleep!
My breasts are so tired and heavy.They were squeezed in a tight bra during the whole sultry day.
Please do not sleep ! I want to admire you now!
I am so tired ,but understand your needs.
You are so sweet.Tomorrow you will ride to your home by the sea.
Wow! I am so excited !
Please bend your curvaceous body! I want to admire your exciting shape and hanging breasts !
Will you take a pictures of me during our ride?
Of course! It is like a duty for each breastman! Can I count on washing my car windshield too?
I like wet T-shirt competition , would you like to see that ?.....

Dear Abbi, your clips are getting better and better. I like to see your breasts hanging and swinging. Please more of that
in different views. And maybe in future we could hear the sound when your heavy breasts are clapping.
You are so unique !!
Abbi Secraa
Dear Jorg,
I am so happy to hear that views of my hanging and swinging breasts are so apprecited by you !
Regarding clapping: I thoght that it was possible to hear that clearly in some previous vidoes...if not I should pay more attention to that;)
Kisses Yours sincerely Abbi Secraa
Hi Abbi!
What a beauty you are. The most perfect woman in the world. You are my dream girl. Why can't I meet a girl like you? I guess there are no other girls like you..:)
I'd say your doctor was a very wise and sensible man telling you not to go on too much of a strong diet :) Besides; you don't need to loose any more weight, because in all your videos you always look a picture of health, and more importantly you're perfect just the way you are :)
Have to give the camera man some credit in this video Abbi. I love the way he was making your breasts move from side to side, when you were laying on your bed :)
Those camisole pyjamas looked nice on you, The feeling of breasts contained in silk or satin type material has to be one of the best feelings in the world. I love the way the pyjama top looked like it was straining under the weight of your breasts when you were lying down. It's just a shame there wasn't a shot of you standing up with your pyjamas on. are there any photos' of you wearing them standing?
You look sexy as always Abbi
Abbi Secraa
Dear Martin,
thank your opinion about ny weight and health;)
The doctor knows what to do as well;) Maybe he is waiting for my next visit ?
I will tell the camera man about your positive opinion too.
Hopefully moments with hanging breasts are much better for you than a shot when I would be standing with pyjamas on (sorry that it was not done)
Kisses Yours sincerely Abbi
Hello Abbi,
Each time you make movie, you become more confident and polish on your beauty. I loooooved the way you moved and swing your extra large twins. I don't know how many times I said but I just can't take my eyes off from you and your magnificent breasts. You are beautiful, friendly and sexy. The man's dream! So, now I like the wet T-shirt contest idea. That would be a great sight to see, especially you were in it. Though I like to, or if it's possible, I like to see you in the pool, under water video! Don't you think that's fun to do? You move around under the water, weightless and blue... Well, I just thought about that... Like you being a mermaid. But, anything you do, I am going to love it. I just know it. Heheheh.
Love and kisses.
Abbi Secraa
Thank you Kenji!
Hmnn more water, hmnnn...I am thinking about that...
Kisses Abbi
J.M. B.
Abbi Dear,
The pleasure that you give me has no limits... Its your beauty.
ps.You seems very happy seeing... maybe a romantic and funny comedy?
You dont need to be sorry Abbi, the video was one of the best yet! It's just that you have such great style and taste when it comes to the clothes you wear, i like to see your fantastic boobs in and out of your outfits :)...............and of course swinging and hanging in that mezmerizing way that they do :)
Abbi Secraa
Thank you Martin !
I will be trying furhter to swing and hang them for you and other Members ;)
Many kisses and hugs
Yours Abbi
Hi Abby,
Your "dirty" grins as you lean forward to give us a look at your hanging breasts make this video another home run. Your body is amazing, but seeing you enjoy teasing us adds as much to the total pleasure these videos give. Thank you for helping us to "release the pleasure hidden in our minds."
Abbi Secraa
Dear Steve,
I am so glad to be able to release the pleasure hidden in your minds...hmnnn.I am proud of that !!!
Thank you and kisses
Yours Abbi
Dear Abbi i am speechless your beauty is just amazing but you know i think what makes you even more special is your kind heart to share your beauty with us and the way you handle your members just show that there is a lot more to you as a woman than what we can see in your art work
Abbi Secraa
Many many kisses to you Deon !
Ryan C
No one in the world has lovelier hanging breasts than you, Abbi, simple sensational, I will see these hanging in my dreams tonight!
Abbi Secraa
Dear Ryan,
Hmnn what a pleasure for me to read that...
I love to give a chance for such....DREAMS !!!
Many Kisses Abbi Secraa