High school girl with overdeveloped breasts
The title…girl with overdeveloped breast.
The scenario….a present to a boyfriend on the way to school …meeting the gaze of a new teacher…revealing the hidden thoughts from the teacher’s mind…what the girl was encouraged by her boyfriend to do on the way back home…
Whom the movie could be about ?
It is a little tease here ,but forgive me not direct answer from my side. I can tell you that I watched this movie four times by now and treat this update very personally… Someone could say : This movie is a pictured memoirs of Abbi Secraa when she was just over nineteen years of age. As teasing you now will not comment that;)
Now each Member if would like to see me in public can be my boyfriend . Would you be convincing me to bare my chest in public ? Will I agree to that ? Do I understand men needs ? ;)
Or if you prefer you can be my new chemistry teacher. I know that it is not my favourite subject and never had gained A or B grade. So predicting graduation problems with chemistry the instinct of self-preservation could switched on in my mind ;) You could expect that I will be trying to meet your gaze and give you a sign that something more can be revealed by me in secret. But please allow me to graduate the high school ;)
The school year has just began…Will I graduate the high school ? Become My Member and be my teacher in this new school year ! The high school girl with really overdeveloped breasts of your fantasies is waiting for you !!!
Yours Abbi Secraa

Lovely, Abbi. In addition to having the most beautiful breasts on the Internet, your legs are incredible as well. Thank you for sharing your beauty!
Abbi Secraa
Thank you My Lover !!!
Many many kisses to you
Yours Abbi
Argel R. L.
Querida Abbi:
¡Muchas gracias!
As a teacher I would like to teach you something
Dziękuję za UROCZY PREZENT na weekend, jakim jest ten film.
PIĘKNA JAK ZAWSZE i na dodatek z poczuciem humoru ;-) Wspaniałe rozpoczęcie roku szkolnego.
A co do sugestii w opisie powyżej, chętnie wcieliłbym się w rolę Pani chłopaka, kolegi z klasy, nauczyciela... kogokolwiek, żeby tylko móc PODZIWIAĆ Panią z bliska.
Bardzo podobał mi się komentarz martina- zgadzam się, że to piersi innych kobiet są "niedorozwinięte(dziwnie to brzmi po polsku). PANI PIERSI SĄ IDEALNE, CUDOWNE, WRĘCZ WZORCOWE, A PRZEZ TO TAK RZADKIE I WYJĄTKOWE i dlatego nieosiągalne dla innych kobiet.
Przepraszam za przydługi komentarz, ale polubiłem pisać do Pani i ZACHWYCAĆ SIĘ PANI URODĄ.
Miłej niedzieli (moja DZIĘKI PANI JUŻ JEST CUDOWNA)
Abbi Secraa
Drogi Robercie,
dziekuje za kolejny komentarz . Caluje !
Nie musisz dziekowac za prezent, po to tu jestem i po to ta strona ;)
Zastanawiam sie kim chcialbys byc: kolega czy raczej kims bardziej dojrzalym czytaj: nauczycielem ???
Moje piersi sa nieosiagalne dla innych kobiet...moze jestem nieskromna przez Ciebie,ale faktycznie moze tak i jest - z zachowaniem szacunku dla innych Kolezanek ;)
Thank you for paying attention to the Martin's comment.Appreciate you agree with him ;)
Mam nadzieje ze zachwyt jest dajacy Tobie duzo radosci i energii w zyciu !
pozdrawiam Ciebie serdecznie
Dear Abbi
Amazing video! I guess it was impossible for you to close that jacket because your tits are so big. But it would be great to see a video where you are wearing a tight jacket that almost rips apart due to your enormous breasts. Thank you again for another great update!
Hug from Kurt.
james h
Amazing update - Abbi, you look so young and beautiful X
Brooke Ch.
WOW! I wonder if the cyclists passing by got distracted!
*kisses on your treasures*
Hi Abbi :)
Very nice movie, in my opinion one of top five of your clips! I think with such signs you could push up to the membership in the academy of science hehe
Anyway, being your teacher or boyfriend, i could settle with playing any of the roles ;)
Abbi Secraa
Wondering which role is your favourite ??? ;)
Kisses Yours Abbi
Brooke Ch.
can I ba both?
Abbi Secraa
Your choice Brooke ;)
The one that would bring more benefits.. ;)
Abbi Secraa
Dear Jure,
the choice belongs to you !
Yours Abbi
Darrin A
Rock 'n' Roll High School... & The Teacher's Thoughts;)
Abbi Secraa
and these thoughts.....;)
Hot Kiss Abbi
Robert C
Hi Abbi,
I like the new look. I can only dream about being your boyfriend! If you wanted to bare your chest in public, I would not mind at all, but that is for you to decide.
Abbi Secraa
Dear Robert,
we are here together that you could feel to be closer to me, boyfriend or teacher ? ;)
Kisses Abbi
Anthony A Jeffers
I know it would be virtually impossible, but I wish if I ever met you, that you would be wearing this outfit!! #BESTMANCANDYINTHEWORLD