Black November Lady - movie
19 December 2014
I prefer summer and missing the sun during autumn very often.
Capture me in all of my seriousness. Be with me within worst days...
It is natural. All we do have worse moments in our lives.
But my breasts are the same within these days - large and heavy exclusively for you !
Rememeber that it would not go worse and worse. Happy days are just to come what you will see in this movie as well.
Join ! Excite ! Smile after sudden elevation of your blood pressure !
Yours Abbi Secraa

J.M. B.
Querida Abbi,
Minuto 10:12 : ¡Eres la criatura más hermosa que mis ojos hayan visto jamás!
Minuto 11:08 : Mmmmmmmmmnn!!!
Un beso apasionado:
Anthony A Jeffers
It's always exciting to see you!! Your natural incredible breast are so amazing that I get stuck looking at them like a deer in headlights!! Surely what every man loves to see!! Thank you for sharing your experiences with us!!
Paul A
Hi Abbi
y no comments???
mayb everyone is like me ... 'SPEECHLESS'
J.M. B.
ps. !
Bra fitting - movie
J.M. B.
ps. !
Wesołych Świąt Bożego Narodzenia !
Bob Clevenger
Wesołych Świąt lovely lady.
No, I do not speak Polish. I looked it up.
Me & You are shaking off that negative energy Dear;-) & don't worry Dear the summer will come back and that delicious tan will come back But you still have a little tan though..